As financial advisor, Lee & Lee Associates attended the opening ceremony of Pan Rui Software (Shanghai) Co., Ltd under invitation at Hilton Shanghai on 16 March 2016.
At the ceremony, Ms. Liz Flew, Commercial Counsel of Paragon Software Group, appreciated the partners who helped with the successful company establishment of Pan Rui Software. Especially she acknowledged the professional and reliable services received from Lee & Lee Associates. The opening ceremony was a great success.
Lee & Lee Associates, a professional accounting and consulting firm, will do the best to support Pan Rui Software’s development in China. Hope Pan Rui could also enjoy the business success in China as other clients of Lee & Lee Associates.
Paragon is a UK leading provider of routing and scheduling software solutions. The establishment of the wholly owned subsidiary in Shanghai will enable Paragon to contract directly with local businesses or international organisations operating within China, supporting its global growth strategy.