No, it’s illegal.
a)Application Form b)BOD resolution on profit distribution c)Audit report d)Income tax payment certificate e)Business License and Approval Certificate of the investing company f)Business License, Approval Certificate and Cooperation Contract of the invested company g)Capital verification report of the investing company h)Foreign Exchange Registration Certificate i)Other information as required
a)Application Form b)Original Foreign Exchange Registration Certificate c)Bank statement of the capital account during recent 5 days d)Other information as required
The debtor should provide Foreign Loan Registration Certificate, Loan Contract, and debit note from lender to bank.
You should provide the approval documents of the foreign exchange authority to the designated bank transaction by transaction every time you sell an amount of foreign exchange.
Yes. However, the total amount of loans should not exceed the difference of total investment amount and the registered capital.
a) Application Form b) Foreign Loan Registration Certificate, Foreign Exchange Signed Agreements Form c) Foreign Exchange Registration Certificate d) Other
a) Application letter b) Documents evidencing the finance being incorporated in state foreign investment plan c) Approval issued by State Development Planning Commission d) Agreement of finance lease and pledge e) Prior year audit report f) Other
a) Application letter b) Plan of using foreign investment as approved by State Development Planning Commission or State Council c) Agreement of project financing d) Guarantee documents relating to the project financing e) Other
a) Application letter for loan b) Documents evidencing the loan being incorporated in state foreign investment plan c) Approval of loan borrowing issued by State Development Planning Commission d) Resource, time table and pledge for the repayment of the loan e) Recent 3-year audited balance sheet and income statement f) Other information as required