Title I: Public company accounting oversight board (“PCAOB”): Definition of the organization and the field of functions of the oversight board over the reporting of the US enlisted companies.
Title II: Auditor Independence: Regulations about the auditor’s independence including services not allowed to perform by auditors.
Title III: Corporate Responsibility: Explanations and enlargement of the responsibilities of the companies like e.g. regulations about the set-up of an audit committee or disclosure controls and procedures for an internal and external reporting. (Known as “SOX 302).
Title IV: Enhanced Financial Disclosures: Definition of enlarged obligations to public financial information. This includes the “Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting” (known as SOX 404), which calls for the implementation and care of an internal control system over the financial reporting.
Title V: Analyst’s Conflicts of Interests: Regulations to avoid conflicts of interests among financial analysts.
Title VI: Commission Resources and Authority: Regulations about the financing and the authority of the SEC.
Title VII: Studies and Reports: Definition of the subjects US authorities have to create studies and reports about.
Title VIII: Corporate and Criminal Fraud Accountability: Regulations about the protection of informants and enlarged compulsory safe custody for documents.
Title IX: White-Collar Crime Penalty Enhancements Tighten of criminal measures in the case of incorrect affidavit.
Title X: Corporate Tax Returns: Determining of the signing of the tax declaration by the CEO.
Title XI: Corporate Fraud and Accountability: Regulations of the responsibility of the management in case of irregularity.