Invited by BenCham, Ms. Sophie Tian, Accounting and Tax Manager of Lee & Lee Associates, delivered a tax seminar for the Chamber’s members in Shanghai on Nov 5th, 2019. The seminar talked about how new IIT Law which was published and took into effect from Jan 1st, 2019 has influenced foreign companies and foreign individuals […]

Under kind invitation of CBBC, business consulting expert Ms. Marcia Lin from Lee & Lee Associates held a professional seminar for Launchpad of CBBC with topic “Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions When Establish A Business in China”. The ten questions were concluded from the rich client service experience of Lee & Lee Associates, including: Total […]

Thanks to the good feedback of the tax seminar for CCBC Beijing office, the Canada China Business Council (CCBC) Shanghai office then invited tax expert Ms. Sophie Tian of Lee & Lee Associates to hold another seminar for members in Shanghai on 17 January 2019. This time, the seminar focused on IIT law and the […]

On August 31st, the new IIT law was finalized and will officially be in place from January 1st, 2019. Furthermore, the tax authorities will take over the responsibility for collecting social insurances starting from the same date. These two new policies have triggered heated public discussion, and it will also bring new challenges to enterprises. […]

In 2018, China government issues many new tax regulations, the content covers many tax items, for example, VAT, CIT, stamp duty and IIT. How do these new tax regulations influence foreign companies and foreign individuals in China? Especially the new IIT law which will be taken into effect from Jan 1st, 2019, it will be […]

New Individual Income Tax (IIT) Law is in effective, but the implementation regulation is still exposure draft. On invitation of Danish CEO Club, regular tax speaker Ms. Sophie Tian of Lee & Lee Associates held one tax seminar on IIT for their members on 6 November 2018. Ms. Sophie Tian talked about the changes of […]

Lee & Lee Associates held a joint tax seminar together with Servcorp, which is a famous and high-end business service office provider on 23 October 2018. Tax expert Ms. Lucy Dai of Lee & Lee Associates was the speaker and talked about the topics and issues that companies are quite concerned about: The latest policy […]

As it is approaching the end of the year, all the foreign invested enterprises (“FIEs”) are beginning to prepare for auditing. On the invitation of EU Chamber Shenyang Office, Ms. Vivian Liu, Partner of Lee & Lee Associates held one professional seminar for their members with topic “Audit & Internal Controls—Challenging But Valuable”. For all […]

The merging of the State Tax Bureau and Local Tax Bureau in July has an impact on all entities. How to face the changes and challenges? Under the invitation of The Danish Chamber of Commerce (DCCC), tax expert Ms. Lucy Dai of Lee & Lee Associates held one tax seminar for the chamber members. During […]

Lee & Lee Associates became the Partner and held business seminar for Launch Pad of China Britain Business Council (CBBC) again on 22 June 2018. Launch Pad works for CBBC members who are interested in Chinese market but have not yet established their entities in China. Business Consulting Manager Ms. Nicole Tian of Lee & […]